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2021/4/7 17:02:12?????點擊:



表一 中國南方稀土2021年中重稀土氧化物掛牌價



表二 中國北方稀土高科技術(shù)股份有限公司2020-2021年每月掛牌價格






表三 2021年3月29日-4月02日主流稀土產(chǎn)品報價(萬元/噸)



表四 2021年3月29日-4月02日主流稀土產(chǎn)品成交情況








      This week, the price of praseodymium and neodymium in the rare earth market is generally weak. The upstream separation plant is not willing to actively quote, and the intermediary has reported a small amount of supply to realize cash. The metal factory is hesitant to purchase, and the market is mainly for locks. The market has a strong wait-and-see sentiment. The quotation was slightly lowered along with the oxide, the overall enquiry activity of magnetic materials was not high, and the inventory was reduced to lock, and the transaction of praseodymium and neodymium metal remains to be seen. As of this Friday, praseodymium oxide and neodymium oxide were mainly reported at 578,000 to 580,000 yuan/ton, the main transaction was about 575,000 yuan/ton, the transaction of 578,000 yuan/ton and above was under pressure, and the metal factory was looking for a lower price within 572,000 yuan/ton. Active, limited supply. Regarding praseodymium and neodymium metals, major metal manufacturers praseodymium and neodymium metal month-end manufacturers mainly quoted at around 720,000 yuan/ton, and the main transaction was 718-700,000 yuan/ton. The transactions above 720,000 yuan/ton were under pressure, and the cash spot price was mainly 710 thousand. Around RMB/ton, the main transaction was RMB 70-705,000/ton, and a small amount of magnetic materials was inquired and just needed to be purchased.

         In addition, the separation plant in Ganzhou region cuts and suspends production, the supply of oxides will be tight, the metal plant does not have a lot of stock, and the order for magnetic materials has not been heard to decrease. Then from a fundamental point of view, why does the price of NdPr fall? ? Downstream customers of magnetic materials still do not accept the high price of magnetic steel? ? Metal factories upside down to conduct price callbacks from bottom to top? ? My non-ferrous network research and understanding: From the perspective of oxides, the direct impact of the reduction and shutdown of the separation plant in Ganzhou has not yet come. On the contrary, the news of the reduction and shutdown of the waste plant has affected the mentality of some scrap traders, resulting in an increase in scrap declarations. The price loosened, sentiment was transmitted to the oxide trade link and began to tentatively adjust the price to realize; on the other hand, the price transmission from bottom to top, the range of corresponding orders for magnetic materials enterprises was still 680-700,000 yuan/ton, and the previous price continued to rise. After the price rises, it will take time to digest, and low-priced inventory needs to be gradually consumed. The high price of praseodymium and neodymium metal is under pressure, and metal factories naturally hesitate to purchase, mainly looking for low pairs of locks. Traders are also exposed to the emotional effect of this aspect to test their orders.

      From the perspective of metals, metal factories purchase oxides in cash. However, most metals are traded in the account period or with acceptance mode. It takes 1-3 months to pay back. At the level of capital flow, the metal factory is required to advance, and the furnace is guaranteed at this stage. The cost of normal smelting of raw materials is higher than before, and the pressure on funds is greater. It is natural to be more cautious when purchasing oxides.

      After the time is delayed, the supply of praseodymium and neodymium oxide in Ganzhou is more obvious, and metal factories and magnetic material inventories will be further consumed, which may support the price of praseodymium and neodymium to a certain extent. Therefore, we predict that after the festival, there will be a slight and strong fluctuation in the price of praseodymium and neodymium. However, the upward pressure still remains constrained by the stalemate.

圖一 2021年3月02日-4月12日氧化鐠釹均價走勢


圖二 2021年3月02日-4月02日鐠釹金屬均價走勢




The overall quotation of the main products of heavy rare earths in this week is relatively small, the transaction price of oxides is weak and stable, and the price of dysprosium oxide is relatively strong. At present, separation plants mainly wait and see the market. Traders have reported a small amount of supply to try to realize the realization. Metal factories just need to purchase locks. Metal products The quotation was hesitant, the downstream magnetic material inquiries were not active, and the overall transaction fell short of expectations. As of this Friday. The transaction range of dysprosium oxide was 3.0-3.09 million yuan/ton, and transactions above 3.09 million yuan/ton were under pressure. The quotation of dysprosium iron remained stable, with small transactions of 3-3.03 million yuan/ton, and transactions of 3 million yuan/ton and above were under pressure. Magnetic materials are generally active in inquiries, and the transaction volume is less than expected; terbium oxide intermediaries mainly report goods, 940-950 small transactions, separation plants are mainly cautious and wait-and-see, metal plants offer 1.90-12 million yuan/ton for metal terbium and adjust accordingly , The transaction was 1.190-12 million yuan/ton, and the overall transaction was relatively small; the activity of gadolinium oxide inquiries was low, with 225,000-22.8 million yuan/ton transactions, 226,000 yuan/ton and above transactions were under pressure, gadolinium iron one-time cash transaction 22.4 About -225,000 yuan/ton, the transaction is relatively small; the holmium oxide inquiry activity is low, and the separation plant is hesitant to submit the goods. The cash transaction is about 90-92.0 million yuan/ton, and the transaction of 90,000 yuan/ton and above is under pressure. The price of holmium iron is less, and the cash transaction is about 900,000 yuan/ton, and the market transaction is relatively small.

圖三 2021年3月02日-4月02日氧化鏑均價走勢


圖四 2021年3月02日-4月02日鏑鐵合金均價走勢


圖五 2021年3月02日-4月02日氧化鋱均價走勢


圖六 2021年3月02日-4月02日金屬鋱均價走勢




Light rare earth praseodymium and neodymium oxide manufacturers have reported less spot market reports, and traders have reported realizing a small amount of supply. As the price of oxides gradually drops, corresponding to metal transactions or gradually increase, and the supply of oxides is becoming tighter, metal factories Low pair lock purchases, metal prices are adjusted with oxides, magnetic materials just need to be purchased, and metal transaction prices are not as expected but time is exchanged for space. When downstream inventory is further consumed and the purchasing rhythm changes, the price of praseodymium and neodymium may be transmitted from top to bottom. Slightly strong market; China heavy rare earth upstream manufacturers hesitate to offer prices, and the willingness to ship goods is not high. Holders make a small amount of supply to make a profit. It is expected that the price of gadolinium, holmium and terbium will be weak and stable. Dysprosium is mainly stable. At the same time, attention needs to be paid to the news and policy aspects. trend.


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